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Maya Katsitadze - Winemaker

Meet Maya, the first female head of the technological department in the 140-year history of "Sarajishvili," a founder of the "Winemakers' Association," and the proprietor of a quaint winery.

Maya’s journey into winemaking was not a direct one. Initially, she followed in her father’s footsteps, pursuing a career in petroleum geology. Unfortunately, the field was experiencing a significant downturn with a lack of investments during that period. Undeterred, Maya chose to pivot rather than abandon her professional aspirations. She turned to winemaking, drawing inspiration from her mother, who continues to lead the "Sarajishvili" laboratory.

Choosing this path was fraught with challenges. At the time, winemaking was a male-dominated field, and a woman’s involvement often met with skepticism. Nonetheless, Maya broke through these barriers, proving that her place was not only deserved but essential.

Winemaking for Maya transcends mere creativity; it is a platform for empowerment. She made it her mission to elevate other women in the industry, sharing knowledge, experiences, successes, and even failures. Alongside a friend, Maya spearheaded the creation of the "Winemakers' Association," a network where female entrepreneurs and winemakers of diverse ages and backgrounds converge. The association is a testament to unity and mutual support, fostering a space where constructive criticism and celebration of each individual's success are paramount.

"We engage in healthy debates and constructive criticism. We operate not as competitors, but as a team rejoicing in one another's achievements. Each woman brings her unique character, capabilities, and distinctive products. These are the pillars that fortify the strength of our association," Maya explains.

Through her leadership and vision, Maya not only challenges the status quo but also shapes the future of Georgian wine, making it richer and more inclusive.

Author: Nini Usenashvili

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