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Keto Uglava - The Heart and Soul of a Tour Guide

"Welcome, I am Keto, your guide. We will spend the day together, and I hope it becomes a cherished memory for you." Thus begins my daily journey with visitors eager to discover the soul of my country.

I am but a simple woman, lean, with no extraordinary talents, save for a profound love for my country that perhaps rivals even my passion for my work. To love my country is to love guiding, and to guide is to love my country. This reciprocal affection fuels my days and fills them with purpose.

Being a tour guide is a delightful privilege, yet it bears an immense responsibility. "We are the ambassadors of our country," I declare with pride, knowing full well that I would move mountains to ensure my visitors return home carrying only the kindest of emotions and memories.

Yet, the demands of this job are not light, particularly for a loving mother of two small children, who look for me with eyes wide with longing, always craving the comfort only a mother's presence can provide. There are days when fatigue overwhelms me, when my voice fades into a whisper, when my legs drag with exhaustion. The extremes of weather find me too; summer's heat, winter's chill, and the rains against which no raincoat can truly defend. Yet, in those moments, I stand resilient—for I am a guide, an ambassador of my nation!

Cold does not touch me; hunger cannot weaken me; thirst does not slow me. And just when the weight of these challenges begins to press heavily, a smile, a word of gratitude from a visitor, transforms all weariness into joy.

Then, in a moment of exuberant celebration, I find myself roaring "Gaumar-Jos, Jos, Jos!" with my guests in a local restaurant, the vibrant strains of "Mravalzhamieri" mingling with the lively notes of "Gandagana," echoing through the air like a symphony of joy.

As the seasons change and the tired limbs of summer give way to winter's grip, I find myself yearning for the rejuvenating breath of spring, eager to meet new faces and create new memories.

Through it all, I am Keto, your guide. With each tour, with every story shared, I weave a tapestry of experiences that celebrate the beauty and spirit of my homeland.

Come, let us make memories together in this dance of discovery.

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